How Can I Recite Quran Beautifully?
How Can I Recite Quran Beautifully?
Holy Quran is the conversation of Allah Almighty. The holy book is perfect in all dimensions. Reciting it beautifully is the Sunnah of Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).
Below are crucial tips to recite the Holy Book in the most beautiful manners:
1- Learn Tajweed Basics
Quran recitation isn’t perfect without Tajweed. Tajweed is a set of linguistic rules that are required for the right pronunciation of words of the Quran. Some of the tajweed basics are discussed hereunder:
i) Learn Pronunciation Basics
Practice the sounds of commonly used Arabic words in Quran and then proceed to practice the correct pronunciation of complete verses. You can get help from listening to recitations of these words and verses from renowned reciters of the Quran. You will notice that they stretch sounds of some words while shortening sounds for others. They are following Tajweed rules in pronunciation and you can start copying their sounds to have an understanding of correct pronunciations.
ii) Learn Intonation Basics
The stretch in sounds of certain words while cutting the sounds of others are intonations. Sometimes reciting loud is essential for certain verses and reciting them on lower levels will completely alter their meanings. Intonation rules deal with your voice notes while reciting the Holy Quran. Intonation is a compulsory part of Tajweed and reciting Quran without it would alter or break the meanings of Allah’s commands.
iii) Learn Articulation Basics
Articulation is another part of Tajweed rules. It deals with producing sounds of letters in a word. It guides to silent the first letters and sounds the last or middle ones and vice versa. You need to know how you are going to sound every letter of each word in the right way. The basic understanding of these articulation rules is essential to develop the continuity of verses or break them apart as per these rules.
iv) Learn When to Pause
As soon as you follow the above articulation & intonation rules, your Tajweed will be incorrect form. You can take the example of expert reciters who make up a rhythm with verses following all sets of tajweed rules. You can assess their recitation on Tajweed rules for a practical understanding of these rules.
v ) Learn from Expert Reciters
When you are all good with basics, you can start to recite in rhythms. However, you must keep track of Tajweed rules to develop these rhythms. You may make a fault going through verses while rhythmically reciting them. This is where you can get expert Quran tutors to help to supervise your developed rhythms in verses. Online Quran tutoring services are just a single click away from our platform. Our expert Quran tutors will carry out one-to-one tutoring sessions as per your schedule to listen and rectify your recitation mistakes. You can also listen to the recitation of our expert Quran reciters in our one-to-one online tutoring lessons.
2- Understanding Quran
You must try to understand the recitation of the Quran. You can opt for online Tafseer lessons to get a deep understanding of what is being told in the verses of the Holy Quran.
Arabic language would seem a bit problematic to learn on your own. But getting hands-on the basics is never too difficult. You can start with these steps if you need to learn the Quranic Arabic on your own.
i) Learn Arabic Basics
Try learning Arabic grammar online. Take Arabic grammar quizzes and try producing sentences in Arabic. As soon as you can develop some small sentences, you can head to exten41sive ones and so on.
ii) Translate Arabic to Mother's tongue
Translating Arabic to your language is another productive learning approach. Try converting every verse into your language and observe the basic translation of some commonly used Arabic words in sentences. In this way, you would get a hint whenever the same word is used in another verse.
iii) Learn Quranic Vocabulary
Quran vocabulary is the most perfect combination of words. These words aren’t used locally as these are the words of Allah Almighty. You can make up the list of Quran vocabulary and focus on their meanings.
iv) Listen to Famous Quran Reciters
We all have some favorite Quran reciters. You can choose your favorite reciters like Sheikh Basit or Sheikh Saad Al Ghamidi for your auditorial learning purposes. You can start with listening to certain verses of the Quran from them and then repeating them in similar patterns. It is an easier way to learn and grasp the Tajweed rules than to go for grammatical learning methods.
v) Practice Quran Recitation Daily
Since Arabic is not the first language of many of us, we may lose the track of Tajweed rules after learning them at in later time. You should make a habit of reciting a small portion of the Holy Quran every day to keep your Tajweed rules refreshed. It’s not essential to finish a chapter every day but you can recite a few verses every day as per Tajweed rules to keep them refreshed in your mind.
3- Repetition & Regularity
Repetition & regularity are keys to fastening up the learning process. You shall make the recitation a constant practice or link the recitation with some daily life tasks in learning Quran more efficiently and quickly as possible.
i) Recite Verses in Prayers
Recite the verses in five times prayers. You can also make a habit of reciting a few Surah after prayers to make Quran learning a regular habit. It is also a blessing to recite Quran in wudhu. You will be already in wudhu for five times prayers and these are the best times to recite Quran being in wudhu to add up Allah’s blessings.
ii) Set Tajweed Learning Targets
You can set Tajweed learning targets quarterly or for every weekend on your availability. You can target intonations, articulations, and so on. You should practice every rule with some tasks at the end to make a more firm understanding of these principles.
iii) Teach Recitation to Family & Friends
If you are privileged to have learned reciting Quran in the right way, you can teach these basics to others. Indeed, teaching Quran is the noblest deed in our Deen. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said as narrated in Al-Bukhari that ‘the best among you are the ones who learn and teach Quran’.
You can recite the Holy Quran in the most beautiful manners by following the above basics. The words of Allah Almighty need to be uttered in the correct ways and this is only possible through correct recitation principles.
8 Manners of the Holy Quran Recitation

8 Manners of the Holy Quran Recitation
Holy Quran is the most sacred book for Muslims around the world. It is a divine book containing Allah Almighty's words and has a very special status for Muslims. We can't think of disrespecting the Holy Book, but we may unintentionally do it. We are going to list down the manners of reciting the holy Quran, so you don't disrespect the divine book in any way.
1. State of Ablution (Wudu)
Wudhu ensures the state of cleanliness of the body. You must be in a state of complete cleanliness before touching the holy book. You must not read the holy Quran if you are not in wudhu. The wudhu also saves you from the coronavirus. If a Muslim performs wudhu five times a day, he cleanses body parts from the contagious disease. Wudhu is a natural cleanser, and Muslims are considered clean when they are in wudhu.
Is there an Exception for Ablution?
With the advent of technology, the means of reading the Quran have completely changed. You don't need to touch the holy book physically while reading Quran on smartphones or computers. Scholars have given an exception to wudhu conditions if you are reading Quran online.
2. Cleanliness
You must read the sacred book in a neat & clean place. The concept of selecting neat & clean places becomes a compulsion in the case of reading the Holy Quran. It is the sign of giving respect to the Holy Book and the words of Allah Almighty. You must not read holy Quan if you don't find the place clean.
3. Recite Tauz & Tasmiyah
Tauz and Tasmiyah bring barakah to every action. Muslims usually have a habit of starting their routine tasks with the name of Allah. It eliminates all the evils and is a way of requesting Allah's help in daily life tasks. This also applies to reciting Holy Quran. Every Muslim must recite Tauz & Tasmiyah before reciting even a small part of the Holy Quran. There is only a single exception in the case of Surah Tauba, in which Muslims are required not to read Tauz and Tasmiyah.
4. Practice Tajweed
Tajweed is a set of linguistic rules that you should practice while reciting the Holy Quran. It ensures that you are reciting without making mistakes. You also learn a beautiful way of reciting the Holy Quran by understanding tajweed. If you want to recite the Holy Quran perfectly, you cannot avoid understanding tajweed.
We have made learning tajweed quite easy with our state-of-the-art online tajweed classes. Our smartly planned tajweed course ensures that you learn the perfect tajweed at the comfort of your home.
5. No Talking While Reciting
You cannot talk and read at the same time. However, we still make these mistakes un-intentionally. We may think that uttering a few words won't disturb the recitation. But the Holy Quran is not an ordinary book and requires complete attention. If you think you might have to talk to someone in a few moments, you must not start reciting the Quran. Quran verses require the correct pronunciation and right rhythms, and if you start breaking them, you might commit sins of altering the meanings.
6. Follow Slow Pace
The words of the Holy Quran should be pronounced very accurately. Allah has commanded Muslims to recite the Quran at a slow pace. You may read the Quran at your own pace and style. But reciting Holy Quran should follow the rulings of Allah Almighty. Most of us often confuse reading & recitation. Reading of Holy Quran is just going through the verses without accurate tajweed. However, reciting is pronouncing Quran words accurately as per tajweed rules. Reciting follows the rhythmic style of pronouncing the holy Quran. It must be done at a slow pace. A general rule of recitation is that it should be easily understood by the listener of your recitation.
7. Clean Pillows for lifting Holy Quran
Some people like to hold Quran in hand while reading or to recite. There is no problem In holding Quran this way. However, if you want to place Quran somewhere and read from it, you should ensure the cleanliness of the place. More general practice is to use the support of pillow to support the holy Quran. You must ensure that pillow is neat & clean and you are sitting respectfully in front of the pillow while reciting the Holy Quran.
8. Hold In Right Hand
If you want to hold Quran for reading & recitation, you must hold it in the right hand. Every noble task in Islam is done with the right hand. From eating to doing work, Muslims use their right hand as a sign of respect and religious obligation. The holy Quran must also be held only in the right hand as it is the most respected and sacred book among others.
Why Should I Learn Quran Recitation Online?
Learning recitation is a lot more convincing today when you don't have to step outside your homes. We bring Quran recitation access to you from the comfort of homes. You won't need to make your physical presence at mosques or madrassah at these pandemic times.
Our online Quran recitation course ensures the safety and easy learning of the Holy Quran. You can select your flexible schedule to learn Quran recitation online from your own selected expert Quran tutors. We have made learning Quran quite easy at our remarkable platform. Join our demo classes and learn Quran flawlessly.
Stay tuned to our blogs to learn more in the next posts!
What makes it hard to Learn Tajweed?

What makes it hard to Learn Tajweed?
Recitation of the Holy Quran is error-free only if you take care of a specific set of language rules. You won't reach the perfection of recitation without practicing tajweed rules. Tajweed rules are easily available online, but still, students struggle to understand them completely.
We are going to list down some of the major hardships faced by students in learning tajweed and how to overcome them easily.
1) Non-Arabic background
Most Muslims are non-Arabic speakers today. They don't even have a minimal understanding of the Arabic language. It is pretty challenging to learn the grammar rules of a language you can hardly understand. Holy Quran is written entirely in Arabic, which is governed by Tajweed rules. This makes it quite tricky to learn Tajweed for many beginners. Most new learners won't understand the grammatical differences and may sound two differently used words in the same way by mistake.
2) Lack of Guidance
Learning tajweed rules without proper guidance from an expert tutor is not possible. You cannot grasp the grammar of a new language on your own. Numrous students don't have a clear understanding of Tajweed rules and follow the wrong understandings throughout the learning process. This makes their Tajweed even worse. This is a huge mistake because you can't effectively learn the Quran with Tajweed unless you have proper guidance.
Similarly, hiring an in-experienced tutor won't do any good. If you are sending your kid to classes of hifz in schools or at mosques, there are very few chances that your kid would be memorizing with full attention as there are too many distractions in groups.
3) Difficulty in Pronunciation
In Tajweed, uttering the right sound for every word is an essential rule. It is called the originating place of sound (Makhraj). Tajweed requires different places in your mouth to take part in sounding different words. Some words should be sounded from the back of the throat, while some should be sounded by touching the tongue to the upper part of the mouth. Students usually confuse these rules with one another and would sound the word from the back of the throat when it was required from the upper part of the mouth and vice versa.
How Does An Online Tajweed Course Make it Easy to Learn?
Difficulties faced by students in learning tajweed are distractions and in-experienced tutors who don't pay attention to them. These problems are easily solved in online tajweed courses where learning is done primarily through one-to-one online tutoring services. The wide range of expert tajweed tutors ensures that your child gets the most qualified tajweed tutors who have loads of experience in teaching tajweed to students all over the world.
Another best advantage of an online tajweed course is that you are completely safe within the premises of your home and don't need any physical presence of a tutor. The whole learning process is being done without any physical meetup. Online tutors provide all of their attention is focused on only one student and this ensures the maximum learning of your children is most safe manners.
Is it affordable to Learn Tajweed Online?
Online Tajweed courses aren't that heavy in prices as are the physical ones. Since all the transport expenses and physical presence constraints are not present in online classes, it is the most affordable way of learning Tajweed.
Can I Get Online Tajweed Classes Free?
Of course, you can sign up for trial tajweed classes with us. You are free to take initial class sessions with our expert tajweed tutors. This would ensure that you are fully satisfied with the quality of online classes and our tajweed classes. You can also opt to change your tajweed tutors in the first free sessions.
Learning Tajweed isn't difficult when you learn the right way under the supervision of well-qualified online tutors. Try free trials of tajweed classes to understand how we have made learning tajweed so easy on our platform.
Is Learning Tajweed essential?

Is Learning Tajweed essential?
In the path of learning and memorizing the Quran, you cannot escape from Tajweed. Tajweed is the set of linguistic rules without which you cannot learn and memorize the Quran correctly.
Understanding Tajweed
Tajweed means enhancement of something. In the context of the Quran, it means recitation of the Holy Quran as per the correct pronunciation rules of the language.
Tajweed is essential to recite the Quran without making sin. As if wrongly pronounced, the whole meaning of the context of verses may change. In fact, following tajweed ensures that a person is reciting Quran on the grammatical rules and as recited by Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).
When you have learned tajweed, the oral recitation of the Quran will be free from errors and mistakes.
Philosophy of Tajweed
As per linguistic experts, every letter of Arabic has an origin (Makhraj) and attribute (Siffat). The understanding of these two factors for every word is vital to pronounce it correctly as per the context. Sometimes, the same letters may have different meanings in the sentence and if a person doesn’t have any idea of the origin and attribute of the words being used, there are greater chances of making an error in the pronunciation. This would lead to the change of meaning of the entire verse which is deemed as a great sin in the recitation of the Holy Quran.
Learning Tajweed
Holy Quran is the conversation of Allah Almighty. It talks about His commands, anger & mercy, guidance and messages, rules & regulations & principles that cover every dimension of life, and references of previous nations' rise and fall and the previous messengers of Allah Almighty. It is extremely important to pronounce each word correctly to avoid any wrong understanding of Allah’s commands. Pronouncing a single word incorrectly may change the whole interpretation of Allah’s command and its intended meanings.
Tajweed is a set of pronunciation principles that ensure that we pronounce the words correctly and never alter the meanings of the Quran verses. A single word may have to be pronounced differently in different verses. If a reciter doesn’t know the tajweed principles, he would similarly pronounce the same looking word in every verse leading to a change of interpretations.
Allah Almighty commands Muslims in this verse as:
Or add to it, and recite the Qur’an with measured recitation.
The Quran [73:4]
Importance of Tajweed for Non-Arabic Speakers
Tajweed might not be essential for Arabic-speaking Muslims. But Most of us don’t speak Arabic and don’t know how to speak it correctly. Being Muslims, it's our wish that our children start learning Quran in their childhood. However, we should not ignore the importance of learning the Quran with tajweed. If we don’t encourage our children to learn tajweed first, they might pronounce the quranic verses incorrectly and end up changing interpretations of Allah during their life span.
Listening Quran with Tajweed
The recitation of the Quran with tajweed is the most beautiful voice in the whole world. When you will hear Quran recitation with tajweed, you will feel the powers of commands of Allah Almighty deep down in your heart. Listening the recitation of the Holy Quran with tajweed has enormous healing powers for many fatal diseases.
Can I learn Tajweed Online?
You can learn tajweed easily from expert linguistics in the comfort of homes. There is no need to follow a tight schedule of tajweed classes when you can create your tajweed learning schedule. The expert tutors at our platform teach you the tajweed principles in the most perfect manner. This course is essential for every new learner of the Holy Quran. There is no age limitation here. We are delivering online tajweed coursed both to children & adults. Our professional tajweed tutors ensure that every lesson is pre-planned as per the students learning style.
The best way to learn Tajweed nowadays is through online Tajweed Quran classes with a professional Quran teacher.
Online Tajweed Course
Our tajweed course is specially designed for your convenience. The simpler but effective approach will teach you the pronunciation principles in the easiest manners:
The hierarchy we follow is as listed below:
- Start with Quran Recitation
- Recite with Tajweed Rules
- Recite with word-based correct pronunciation
- Quran recitation with rules of Tarteel
- Understanding Stop Signs