Teaching Child to Perform Salah

Five Most Effective Ways of Teaching Salah to Kids


Teaching payer to kids is one of the most prime responsibilities of Muslim parents. Salah needs to be taught in the most effective ways as the learning will be followed for the whole lifetime. We are going to provide you with the most effective route map to educate your children on Salah.


1. Making Salah A Priority

The priority you make for prayers in your daily life has a direct impact on your children. You might think that they don’t observe your prayer schedule closely, but your activities have strong memory imprints on your children. You should try not to miss prayer intentionally, even in the busiest schedules. If you are planning to go outside with children, choose the times that don’t overlap with prayers. If you are outside and it’s prayers time, you must tell your children that we have to perform the prayer first in the nearby mosque. These examples will motivate children to perform Salah as a priority.


2. Enthusiasm & Positivity towards Salah

Your perception of prayer counts a lot. If you show cheerful feelings towards Salah, your children are going to develop the same perception. If you start your every day with fajr and you mention to your children that your day is going to be free from all evils, then it would develop the same mindset for your children.

Being a parent, you must remind payer times to children five times a day. However, it should be done with love & politeness like; Assalam O Alaikum! Wake up my child and perform Salah! Don’t miss it, child, you will lose all Barakah today!


If you feel that child isn’t responding to your call, you must still not force it and keep reminding them on every prayer time. It is quite essential to leave pleasant impacts of payer on children without using force.


3. Aspire Salah through Bed Time Stories

One of the most exciting ways to teach the importance of Salah is through bedtime stories. You should use stories of Prophets & saints who didn’t miss Salah even under the life threats. It is also a productive approach to mention a slighter side of punishment like the punishment of grave for the ones who miss Salah. However, it is more advisable to teach Salah on motivating approach, so children don’t develop the feeling of offering prayers just to avoid punishment.


Children should be taught the countless blessings of Allah Almighty through bedtime stories as well. Children must be taught to offer gratitude to Allah Almighty for the immense blessings on mankind.


4. Don’t Rush Through Prayer & Wudhu Obligations

You must keep motivating children five times a day towards prayers. There is no need to rush through the rules of wudhu & offer prayers. You must encourage children if they are copying your prayers. Motivation is the only thing that can keep them interested in learning more about prayers principles. You can tell them with the time that they need to perform wudhu before offering prayers. Then you can step further towards teaching them the obligatory acts of wudhu and prayers.


Some of the more motivating ways can be to ask your child to say adhan & lead the following prayer. You can also ask them to help you will setting up prayer mats or follow you for wudhu.


5. Praise & Rewards for Offering Salah

After the child completes prayer, you must praise them for their efforts. You can use statements like Wow! You made a great effort towards finishing the Asar prayer. Similarly, it was great to see you offer fajr, now you have a day full of barakah. Likewise, it is pretty wonderful to see you perform wudhu without any mistakes today.

You can add up little rewards at the accomplishment of each prayer. Try giving them their favorite cookie whenever they finish the prayer. In this way, they would make more efforts in the childhood towards prayers and getting cookies at the end.


These five encouraging methods have proven to be more effective in introducing Salah to kids than any others. It is more crucial to instill positive & motivating feelings towards Salah in children as they need to learn to offer prayers by heart and not just to complete their religious responsibility. This positive attitude will extend throughout their lives.