Ten Techniques to Learn Quran Surah Easily
Ten Techniques to Learn Quran Surah Easily
Learning anything needs commitment. Sometimes learning is quite easier than we think of it. We just miss the right strategies for our learning process that makes things harder for us to learn.
Learning something in a different language may present more difficulty levels. This case applies to Holy Quran where most students give up their wish to become hafiz due to language barriers. They get stuck completely when they put their efforts into memorizing Quran.
We will be discussing some of the smart strategies to facilitate you towards memorizing Holy Quran.
1) Make Small Learning Intervals
Learning requires complete focus. This is best possible in short intervals rather than lengthy ones. Memorizing for hours doesn’t go any good but puts up negative effects on your memory. Researches recommend Quran memorizing sessions not exceed fifty minutes. These are the best short intervals to keep you focused on memorizing verses.
2) Practice like Teaching Quran to others
Medical experts state that when we read, only ten percent stays in our mind but when we teach, the seventy percent stays for long in our memories. It would be best to read back to yourself like if you are reciting to someone else in the room. It will assist your memory to recall quickly whenever you would try to remember the verses.
3) Read Verses Loud to Yourself
You might think of learning Quran in low tones. However, this is not how the memory functions. It would be quite harder to memorize by reading at lower vocals. Reading aloud aids your memory to grasp the information faster. Verses read in louder tones stay more in the memories than those in whispery tones.
4) Distributed Memorization Sessions
Memorizing without taking breaks would not work at all. It is good to have a sincere intention to memorize Quran Surah in one session but this applies only to brief ones. You should not be spending hours continuously for memorization rather you should divide your memorization sessions into many parts.
It is better to start your first memorization period very early after fajar. It is the time when your mind is completely relaxed after a good night's sleep. But when you start feeling tired, you must go for a short snack break until you feel refreshed to resume again.
5) Don’t Rush To Hifz Early
New learners are quite passionate about to hifz Quran in the shorter time possible. However, this ends up in two situations. One, the student starts with enthusiasm to finish many surahs overnight but fails to do so after cramming for a lot of time. In this case, they become disappointed in their learning potential easily.
In the other case, students may be lucky to memorize a lot of Surah overnight but they would be forgetting most parts the next morning due to excessive cramming.
It is best not to rush through memorization. Students must follow a relaxed schedule to memorize Quran effectively.
6) Don't Miss Sound Sleep
Sleep is the main source of powering up memories. Therefore, it is recommended to take a shorter nap when you feel exhausted. This will help a lot to boost up your memories. You will be able to recall most part of your learning if you have been taking care of your sleep during memorization of the Quran.
7) Revise What Your Memorize
Like everything else, learning needs revision. This applies to your learning of the Holy Quran as well. You must revise the learned verses every next day otherwise you would lose track of them. You must not spend all the time moving to the next verses as you would be forgetting the previous ones at the same time. It is essential to dedicate a significant time slot every day for your revision.
8) Take Good Diet
We most forget about the diet when we talk about other strategies. But diet plays a key role in strengthening every part of your body including your memory. You must do a good breakfast before you start your memorization sessions.
9) Learn in Peaceful Environment
Memorization requires a more peaceful environment where you can listen back to your own recitation. This is mostly a problem faced by new learners in mosques and madrassah where they have to learn the Holy Quran among many other learners. Too many voices may disrupt the memorization process.
You are likely to learn faster in a silent environment. Our one to our Quran tutoring sessions takes care of all these factors. We teach our students in a completely peaceful environment.
10) Hire the Trusted Quran Tutoring Services
Of course, you cannot learn perfectly without a Quran tutor. You may be able to read but that would be with a lot of pronunciation mistakes. It is best to start your learning of the Holy Quran under the supervision of reliable & experienced Quran tutors.
Don’t worry if you can't find a trusted Quran tutor because our platform can help you out in arranging the best qualified Quran tutors online. You don’t need to step out of homes as we are providing the finest tutoring services in the comfort of homes.
How to Start Learning Quran?

How to Start Learning Quran?
Beginners often get confused when they decide to learn Quran by themselves. They don’t know how to start in the right manner. Some would choose Noorani Qaida to learn at first while others would start from the briefest surah of the Holy Quran. In some cases, beginners may choose to learn Quran from the last chapter first.
We are making everything clearer here in this read. If you are a beginner, here are all the steps you need to take to learn Quran.
1) Learn Noorani Qaida First
The first book to read before learning reading of Holy Quran is Noorani Qaida. The small booklet contains all the principles that you need to know about Arabic. Of course, you cannot read & recite Quran correctly if you aren’t familiar with pronunciation before.
Noorani Qaida will help you to know about alphabets and their sounds. You will learn to recognize symbols, letters, vowels, and many more basics with this Qaida.
You will still need a good tutor to deliver the first few lessons on reading Qaida correctly. You can hire one of our best online tutors to teach you how to learn from Qaida efficiently.
2) Proceed to Quran Reading
Finishing up the Noorani Qaida, next is Quran reading. You would be quite familiar with Arabic words as you step into this stage. Reading Quran is just following the principle of Noorani Qaida. However, you might be reading the words first. Later on, you would develop the pace of reading Quran verses as you will keep on practicing the rules of Noorani Qaida on verses.
You should be doing a lot of practice here to get a profound grip on reading Quran verses.
3) Learn from Easy Chapters
Most people follow the general book-reading style for Holy Quran. They start from the first chapters and move on to the next. However, the first chapters contain lengthy surah like Surah Al-Barqarah. Many children would end up feeling disappointed with their learning potential when they get stuck in Surah Al-Baqarah.
It is best to start with the briefest chapters first. The briefest surah is found in the last chapter of the Quran. It is therefore more motivating to start from the last chapter to keep up the learning pace.
4) Learn The Most Heard Verses
Some verses are more regularly recited than others. An example of such verses is Surah Al-Fatiha in five times prayer. You can start up your learning of the Holy Quran with the most heard & listened to verses. These also include Ayat ul Kursi which is the 255th verse of the Holy Quran. These verses can be easily memorized just before the actual memorization of Quran chapters.
5) Learn Your Favorite Chapters
You can choose to learn the most heard surah first. You have the option to memorize any favorite surah first from the one hundred fourteen surahs in Quran. You will be mostly listening to Surah Yaseen, Surah Rahman & Surah Fatiha in mosques. These surah verses will already be quite familiar and you won't find any struggle in memorizing them first.
6) Learn The Specific Grammar
You would have found the prior steps quite easy. However, this one requires more insight into Arabic grammar. You should try to get to know the grammar & more detailed tajweed principles. These principles would tell you where to take a pause when reading the verse or where you have to take a full break before proceeding to the next verse. You should be getting familiar with Sajdah's points of verses when you would have to perform sujood.
7) Work on Recitation
Now that you know to read the Quran correctly, you must learn the recitation styles. You might have heard the beautiful recitations of the famous Quran Surah before?. This step requires you to recite Quran beautifully in rhythm. You should dig out the recitation (Qiraat) basics and get to know the types of Quran recitation here.
We will be discussing the different styles of recitation in our next readings. Stay tuned!
8) Learn Quran Recitation Styles
Now that you are good with Quran recitation basics, you should start working on your recitation skills here. You can learn about ten different recitation styles and adopt the one which suits you the most. There is no need to worry if you find it difficult to understand every recitation style by yourself.
We are here to help! Our qualified Quran tutors will teach you the different recitation styles right at your flexible schedule online.
9) Learn Specific Quran Tajweed
Now that you have been practicing Quran recitation, it is important to not make mistakes. You can recite perfectly by applying the tajweed rules to your recitation. However, it isn’t an obligation to learn tajweed completely but it is crucial for Quran experts.
You would be adding perfection to your recitation when you would know every rule of Tajweed.
10) Proceed To Hifz Quran Or Memorize Surah
After you have come to know the many aspects of the Holy Quran, it is a true blessing to proceed to hifz. Allah Almighty has promised the highest rewards for Hafiz.
Every Muslim must try to memorize most parts of the Holy Quran if you aren’t able to complete the Hifz. Memorizing most verses will aid you a lot in reciting these verses during five times prayers.
Do I Commit Sin When I Recite Holy Quran without Tajweed?

Do I Commit Sin When I Recite Holy Quran without Tajweed?
Holy Quran was revealed during the times of Arabs. The reciters were native to the language of the Holy Quran. However, with the passage of time, Islam became the most followed religion all over the world. Muslims from different countries with different mother tongues started reciting Quran in their own pronunciations. This led to a lot of complications as Arabic words change their meanings with pronounced incorrectly.
Scholars sorted out the way through Tajweed. There is still a different school of thought about whether Tajweed is compulsory or not. Let us find out about the requirement of Tajweed for reciting the Holy Quran discussed below:
Definition of Tajweed
Tajweed means doing well or doing with perfection. Tajweed actually rules that are required to recite Holy Quran perfectly. Tajweed makes recitation quite beautiful as it implements the rules of Arabic pronunciation in every verse.
Is Tajweed an Obligation?
Religion does not obligate tajweed. Therefore, you are not committing a sin if you are reciting Holy Quran without the knowledge of tajweed. It is all dependent on your preference and efforts towards recitation. If you want to recite Quran, why not do it in the way of the Holy Prophet?. Perfection in your recitation can only be achieved by learning tajweed. However, it is not a compulsion.
Role of Tajweed in Islam
You may think that if there is no requirement of tajweed in our religion then what importance it has in the religion. Tajweed is called Fard al Kifaya in our religion. In other words, it is the duty of one in a group of people. If in the Muslims community, only one Muslim has learned tajweed for reciting Quran, the Islamic duty has been fully performed.
Does Poor Tajweed Lead to Change of Meanings?
Yes, it is a sin if we intentionally recite Holy Quran in the wrong way. But if you are putting efforts to recite Quran with just basic knowledge and make errors in it, you are not committing a sin. Making errors in recitation due to lack of tajweed understanding is not going to make you a sinner. It is also not necessarily true that poor tajweed leads to a change of meanings of every verse. If you have learned the basics of Noorani Qaida or Arabic pronunciation, you will be fine to recite Holy Quran in the correct ways.
How Holy Quran Mentions Tajweed?
Holy Quran does not mention the compulsion of Tajweed in verses. However, it recommends reciting Quran very carefully & understandably. The Verse of Surah Muzammil mentions: “Or add to it, and recite the Qur'an with measured recitation.” (Surah Muzammil).
Why Should I learn Tajweed?
We are now quite clear about the requirement of learning Tajweed is not essential in our religion. You may be thinking that why it has still a crucial role in the recitation of the Holy Quran. It is because due to the following factors:
- Perfects the Recitation: You might find it quite difficult to differentiate between pause and stop rules when reciting Quran. Tajweed works on these aspects and makes recitation more convenient for you.
- Helps Avoid Errors: Some words change meaning in a different way of pronunciation. Though it is not a sin for Quran learners, why not put some effort to avoid mistakes in the holy Quran. Tajweed ensures error-free recitation.
- Helps Memorizing: tajweed helps a lot in memorization. You know where to connect verses and where to break them.
Can I enroll in Tajweed Class?
We put a lot of effort into schooling our children. However, we don’t do much on their recitation styles. Encouraging children towards Quran recitation is not the only duty of parents. Children should know the recitation with correct pronunciation rules. This will make children not only learn the recitation but they will be able to recite in the most beautiful manners.
Our online tajweed course is just a few clicks away. We take pride in offering the services of both native Arab & non-native teachers for learning tajweed from the comfort of homes. You can get a free trial of our demo tajweed class today. Our tajweed classes are specially designed to teach the tajweed in the most engaging manners.
Should I believe in Angels?

Should I believe in Angels?
Angels are creatures that human beings cannot see. Allah has created angels from light, and they spend their entire life obeying Allah Almighty. Angles are given special powers to do their tasks. These powers are different for different angels. Allah Almighty mentions in Verse 21:19-20 about angels in Holy Quran that angels are near to Allah Almighty and glorify & worship Almighty night & day long.
The number of angels is not known. The idea of their abundance can be made from the hadith of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Prophet (PBUH) mentioned that during the night of Miraj, Prophet witnessed seventy thousand angles enter Bait at Mamoor. This hadith has been mentioned in Al-Bukhari & Muslim books.
Do Angels have Physical Forms?
Some people deny the physical existence of angels. However, the Quran & Hadith proves that angels exist physically and have bodies. Allah Almighty mentions angels in Verse 35:1 of the Holy Quran that Allah made angel messenger with two, three, or four wings.
Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) mentions angels in a hadith that When Allah likes any slave, he calls Gabriel & says that Almighty loves a specific person and therefore loves him. Gabriel loves him, and then he says to inhabitants of heaven that Allah loves that person, so they also love him. Therefore inhabitants over heaven start loving him, and then a similar love is granted to that person by the people on earth. This hadith has been mentioned in Al-Bukhari.
It is very clear from above that angels do have physical forms.
Can Angels Change Shapes?
The angles can take many shapes by order of Allah Almighty. Angles have been reported to take the man shape to deliver Allah's message to his beloved servants.
Gabriel was sent in man form to the mother of Jesus Christ, Maryam, as mentioned in Holy Quran. Gabriel also delivered Holy Quran to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).
In a Hadith, Prophet mentioned that Gabriel was sent to him in the shape of a man with dark hair wearing white clothes while the Prophet was with companions. Gabriel sat in front of the Prophet and questioned Prophet about Islam, Iman & Ihsaan, and the signs of last times.
Prophet later mentioned to his companions that this was angel Gabriel who had come to teach the religion of Islam.
Specialized Duties of Angels
Special tasks of these angels have been found out in light of the Holy Quran & Hadith:
Angel Jibreel: Gabriel was made responsible for conveying Allah's message, orders & revelations to Holy Prophet.
Angel Mikaa‘eel: Mikaeel is the angel of nutrition. The responsibility of the angel is to distribute blessings of rainfall & vegetation.
Angel Israel: the angel is responsible for calling upon the day of judgment through blowing the trumpet that would seize every life on earth.
Angel Malak-ul-Mawt: the angel of death is responsible for collecting souls from bodies at the definite time of death.
Angel Maalik: the angel responsible for guarding the fire of hell.
There are other angels' responsibilities that write the destiny of living beings while in their mothers' wombs. They write the life terms, deeds and write on being of pious or sinful nature.
Angels are also appointed on the shoulders of every human being to document their good & bad deeds. The angel of the right should document good deeds while the left documents bad ones.
Other after-death angels come to the grave to ask questions from the dead people of their religion and their faith in the Prophet (PBUH).
What are Muslims Beliefs on Angels?
Muslims have firm faith in Angels. They have the following beliefs on angels:
1. Muslims believe angels exist.
2. Muslims believe angels with names and those whose names are not disclosed to them
3. Muslims believe in the powers & forms of angels discussed in the Holy Quran & Hadith. Prophet (PBUH) mentioned that he witnessed Gabriel in original form with six hundred wings.
4. Muslims believe in their actions told in Holy Quran. Like they worship day & night in complete obedience to Allah Almighty and perform tasks upon his will.
How Believing Angels Affects Me?
Believing in angels believes in Allah's command about angels' presence. We understand that Allah has infinite power & control over the entire universe. Almighty can create a lot of powerful creatures that are a thousand times more obedient to Almighty. The lord has an infinite number of servants to serve him, and his servants are not only living beings on earth. We also know Allah's love for humanity and how he has appointed angels to protect human beings and document their deeds.
Belief in angels is the foremost requirement of our religion. A Muslim cannot step into Islam without having a firm belief in the presence of angels.
10 Ways to Make Quran Learning Interesting for Children

10 Ways to Make Quran Learning Interesting for Children
One of the strongest wishes of Muslim parents is to see their children becoming the hafiz of the Quran. But teaching Quran to young children isn't a straightforward task. You would have to follow an intelligent approach, so your children don't end up losing interest in learning the Quran midway. It depends a lot on your child's learning style and engagement. We are sharing some valuable tips to keep your children motivated to learn Holy Quran.
Read Quran Stories to Kids
Allah Almighty has mentioned stories of Prophets and their people in the Holy Quran. Parents should start the teaching by telling the stories first. Kids are more interested in listening to stories, so why not start with the valuable accounts of the Holy Quran. Quran stories are full of lessons, and they also depict the downfall of nations who disobeyed the commands of the Almighty. These stories will induce interest in children, and they would want to hear more of the Quran stories.
Recite Quran to Kids
Listening to Holy Quran has tremendous effects on hearts. Parents should recite Holy Quran to their kids so they develop an attachment with the Holy Book. Parents must recite accurately without making errors of tajweed. Reciting Holy Quran to kids without following the proper tajweed rules would not develop the perfect interests of children. Quran should be recited in the most beautiful rhythms, so children get interested in copying the recitation styles.
Encourage Reciting from Child's Copy
After you have recited Holy Quran many times to your children, you should encourage them to select their own Quran copy. However, you should not expect them to start reading the verses keenly. Of course, it would be the first time that they would see Arabic verses in their life. It is best to recite a page of the Holy Quran for them. A suitable method is to ask them to repeat the verses from the Holy Book after you. The next step is to ask your child to copy & write the verse on their paper so that they get more & more familiar with Quran Arabic this way.
Teach Meanings Of Verses
After listening & reciting exercises, it is pretty beneficial to tell children what they have been reading in the verses. You can start to translate a few verses for their understanding. They should know that they have been reciting the words of Almighty, and these are commands directly from Allah Almighty. However, you should select the brief verses first for translations and those that can be easily understandable by little ones. It would be best if you did not start with the verse linked to previous contexts and require a deep & thorough understanding of the background.
Keep Children Motivated
Encouragement is essential throughout the learning process. If you haven't been working on the motivation perspectives, your child might lose interest in Holy Quran. Motivation comes from rewarding your child for finishing up every surah. You must show your highest interests in their learning process to feel valued in learning Quran. Please don't force your children to recite every day, but you should let them follow their own learning pace.
Don't Force Speedy Learning.
Anyone who puts effort to learn Quran, Almighty has promised to make the learning process relatively easy for interested ones. Parents should not ask their children to recite or memorize for extended hours as this would only look boring to children.
Statistics suggest that young children can focus for almost twenty minutes long. It is essential to restrict Quran sessions to not more than this period. Forcing children to learn for extended hours will only make them feel disheartened in the learning process.
Make Learning Activities
Building activity for learning Quran is never a bad idea. Children learn things more attentively when they involve some engaging activities. You can schedule a finding Ayah activity after a recitation session. You can ask your child to find an Ayah that you are reciting from the chapter of the Holy Quran. It is also better to reward them with their favorite candy if they can find the Ayah in a brief time. These activities will make them feel energetic during the learning process.
Suit Your Child's Temperament
You must know your child's temperament. Quran learning should follow their learning style. It is vital to understand your child's learning behavior when scheduling the learning strategy for children. The productive approach is to start teaching Quran in very gradual steps in early childhood. It would be best if you tried to introduce them with some letters of Noorani Qaida at the age of five. After some months, you should encourage them to write some words of Arabic on paper. Similarly, the next step would be to pronounce a few Arabic alphabets. This will be a gradual & effective interest in developing the process for the best learning of the Holy Quran.
If you have successfully developed the proper interest in Holy Quran in your children at their early stages, the process would be pretty easy ahead. It would be your most outstanding achievement to see your child learn & memorize Quran by heart.
What Parents Can Do to Help their Child during Memorization

What Parents Can Do to Help their Child during Memorization
Seeing your child putting in efforts to become hafiz is a true blessing. Of course, parents of hafiz have a great reward from Allah Almighty at Akhirah. It is such a pious wish that every Muslim parent has deep in their hearts.
However, sometimes things don’t go well and your child becomes discouraged due to memorization difficulties. Being a parent, you can help your child a lot during the memorization process. It is best to choose online Quran memorization as it is the most focused Quran learning approach. Parents still need to take care of many factors when their child is putting in efforts to memorize Quran online.
1) Take Care of Child’s Interest
You should not impose your wish on your children. Although it is one of the most pious wishes to see your children become hafiz still it should not go beyond their interests. Your child may wish to become the expert reciter or Qari while you may be pushing them only to become Hafiz. In some cases, children might only be learning Quran with translation. You can try to create their interests towards hafiz but still, it should not only be the way to learn Quran.
2) Hire Reliable Quran Tutor
Memorization isn’t that hard if you learn from the right tutor. Your child can visit a mosque to learn from the prayer leaders or they can learn online from one of our finest Quran tutors. Our online sessions are all based on one-to-one Quran tutoring sessions without any distractions. Children can learn online without stepping out of their homes.
3) Keeping Track of Attendance
You should be checking on your child’s attendance regularly. If you have hired the best Quran tutor while your child is missing most of the classes, it is not worth it. You are losing your money while your child is losing the harmony of the continual learning process. Attending some classes while skipping others breaks the memorization & learning potentials of students. It is better to ring up the Quran tutor often to get to know your child’s attendance.
4) Take Care of Diet
A healthy diet is required for a healthy mind. Quran learning will be faster for children with strong memories than the weaker ones. It is all dependent on their diet. Usually, food enriched with vitamins and fatty acids helps build up the memory muscles in children. You can add food items like fish, nuts & eggs to your children's diet to help them learn faster.
5) Don't Overburden Your Child
It is good to start memorizing Quran before school age. In this way, the two learning processes would not overlap. However, in most cases, children go to school in day time while learning Quran in the evening from Quran tutors. It can build up stress in minds of children if they are being overburdened.
It is best to consult your online Quran tutor to know the participation level of your children. If they are reported to be exhausted, you must try to choose a more relaxed & easy going learning schedule for your children.
6) Know Your Child’s Progress
You must be very keen to know your child’s progress reports. They might not be doing best in online classes and need your support. You should consult their Quran tutor quarterly or weekly to get to know their struggles in learning Quran. You should try to talk to them about learning Quran and their difficulties. It is better to understand their problems and find out solutions than to leave them without being noticed.
7) Discuss Problems with Child
You must be open to your kids to talk about their problems. You should ask them often about their issues and activities. This is rather more crucial when the kid is learning Quran. They might be facing too many issues at a time. If you don’t have a habit to talk to your child often, you would probably know their problems. There are fair chances that your child might not be liking the Quran classes scheduled right after school or might not be following the learning style of their teachers. You should get to know their issues and find a way to solve them.
8) Keep Your Child Motivated
Due to parallel schooling along with hifz, your child may give up in the midway of memorization. You must keep them motivated before they decide to do so. You can request their Quran tutor to slow down their pace so that the child can easily memorize & learn what is being taught. A good amount of motivation in the memorization process is all the student needs to keep putting efforts towards the completion of hifz.
9) Set Rewards on Milestones
Rewarding acts as a great motivator for children. You should try to reward your children when they achieve small milestones in memorization. Rewards can be small like their favorite food or snacks. It would help them keep motivated to achieve the next memorization targets. The children will keep pushing them forward towards hifz.
10) Don’t Force High Expectations
Most parents set very high expectations for their children. Some Parents may force them to reach those expectations without knowing their problems. Parents should set realistic expectations and should not try to push hard on their children if they are making a slow pace towards it.
In the memorizing journey, parents often expect their children to do their best. However, children might be facing their own problems in keeping track of their memories. It is best to appreciate them even for memorization of small Surah so they don’t feel discouraged on being unable to meet your high expectations.